Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Some of my Vid's

I just figured I should post a few links to some of my aquaponic clips so you can see what I'm working with or talking about. 

This first one is from a few months ago and it's a quick introduction to my greenhouse aquaponics system.  Aquaponics - Taking a Look at my Greenhouse System is one of my first uploaded clips and I'm still learning more about this stuff everyday.

In Aquaponics - Of Pebbles and Pellets I take a moment to look at the differences between these two very popular growing mediums.  Why not take a look and let me know which one you would use?

The Aquaponics - Plumbing video is a quick look at the simple plumbing that I use in my greenhouse aquaponics garden.  A small 400 gallon per hour pump is enough to get both beds up and running fine and it only draws 25 watts so I could put it off-grid without too much effort!

Finally, well for now anyway, if you just want to take a look at some hard workin' feeder fish you might enjoy either the Dayfeeding or Nightfeeding videos.

Thanks for stopping by my little blog!  Feel free to comment!

Sunday, November 04, 2012

NFT (tube) Gardens in the winter

Well, fall is here and winter is most certainly on its way.  Seems to me that unless an NFT system (tube garden) is in a perfectly controlled environment they are going to transfer so much heat as to make them a total waste of power ....  Should I be using some sort of insulation on the pipes?  I have a couple of aquaponic beds on flood and drain cycles, where it looks like the pebbles and pellets are acting as a thermal bank ... and I can put mini greenhouse domes over those beds to trap the heat a little more but I just don't see it working out for the NFT system this winter at any rate.
I suspect that I'll just end up taking it out and replacing it with another flood and drain bed filled with pea gravel, but I would love to hear what other greenhouse system gardeners have to say.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Aquaponic Lettuce Anyone?

Has anyone tried growing Aquaponic Lettuce?  I'd love to hear about your experience.  I've got some growing in 3 different locations: 1) in the soil that the seeds were started in, 2) in my tube (NFT) garden, and 3) in my pebble medium Aquaponic growbed.

So far, it looks like #3 is the winner.  It's growing larger and stronger than the others seem to be but if anyone has some tips for me that would be great!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Talk-qua-ponics is a blog to share information in the area of Aquaponic Gardening, or gardening in general.  I am your host, JT Bear, and I also host the JT Bear YouTube channel.  If you have any questions about any of my videos, or would just like more in general, just let me know!  Have a great day, and happy gardening!

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